Panic stations

Emma • 28, Aus. Pregnant through IVF/PGD with first baby, due April '17! 💕
Hi ladies, 
I just wanted to post this here to get your opinions and pretty much stress-rant. My husband & I have been trying for our first baby since May this year and I have had TWO early miscarriages since then (have never made it past 4 weeks 5 days). We decided to skip this month, literally had sex once and BAM - pregnant. So of course I am incredibly nervous & panicking about everything. Here are photos of my latest tests (the bottom FRER & digital are from this morning at 4w 4d, the top one is from Sunday at 4w 2d based on my last period - which was a miscarriage in August). 
Basically I'm worried that the bottom FRER should be darker, and maybe the digital should say 2-3 and pretty much anything else you can worry about, I'm worrying about. I know the only way to know for sure how my HCG is going is to get a blood test, but my dr has just said after all I've been through already to wait til I'm 7 weeks and then get an early scan. I could request bloods if I really wanted to, though. 
I don't know what to do. I spent the morning ugly-crying in bed because it seems impossible that this one might actually stick. It's almost easier to "prepare for the worst" 😕 please chime in if you have any advice or even just want to tell me to pull my head in! x