TWW Temperature swings


Currently 5DPO and this cycle keeps dragging on! I’m not BBT charting, so all references to temperature are taken during the day or evening - not right after waking.

Noticed something weird the past few days…

This past Thursday (3DPO) I had an achey lower back all day which I just took to be normal LP stuff and also felt really tired. Then later that evening I started to feel warm so I took my temperature and it was 99.1 (my pre-O temp is usually between 97.4-98 degrees). Kept an eye on it, and around 10pm I started to feel even ickier, so I took my temp again and it was 100.2. Took one Tylenol and one Motrin and it seemed to bring it back down a bit, so I went to bed.

The next mornjng, Friday (4DPO) I worked from home in case I was starting to come down with something. Temp stayed around 98.6 the whole day, up until 4:30pm. Then the evening came around and hubby came home at 5:30 and I started to feel hot again so I took my temp – it was back to 99.2. Since it wasn’t as high as the night before, I didn’t take anything but went to bed around 9pm.

Today (Saturday – 5 DPO), same thing again for the third day in a row. Temp in the morning and all day was 98.6ish. At 7pm I was getting ready to go out to dinner, started feeling hot so I took my temp and it was 99.2 again.

This has never happened to me before – is it hormone related?

I know it’s WAY too early to have any symptoms, so I’m just wondering if this has anything to do with progesterone levels or something else hormonal? Other things I’m experiencing are fatigue, slightly sore nipples, swing between decreased appetite and increased appetite, creamy CM, feeling off balance and some minor nasal congestion.

Anyone else experience this during the TWW?

Thanks! <3