Allergic Reaction Scare


Ok so for the first time ever this morning I had a pretty severe allergic reaction to this new acne medication that my dermatologist reccomended (Seysara). I broke out in hives all over, my throat contracted a bit and I had nausea and coughing fits. Overall not a swell way to spend the morning. After I talked to my dermatologist and took some antihistamines I ended up being fine, but I was still pretty freaked out. And after another few hours of puking my guts out due to the lingering nausea, I found out that I’d gotten my period?? The only problem is that it’s almost 20 days early... my period only ended last week...

Has anyone ever had something like this happen before either due to vomitting or maybe taking an acne antibiotic? I’m still trying to figure out how my period got induced 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

Rough day.