Just a rant...


I'm done! 😭 I'm sweaty, hot, have really bad acid reflux when I lie down, I can't even lie down because when I do my mouth FILLS with saliva and I feel like I'm gonna puke, My baby moves NONSTOP and it hurts sometimes, I am so exhausted. There's no point to a cold wash rag cause the second I'm in my room and put in on my face it's FREAKING WARM!?!?! I'm so tired. And there's nothing I can do about it. 😭😭😭 and I still have 5 weeks left.

(Yes, I have tried anti acids, NONE work for me. I have been taking Unisom... it hasn’t worked at all this whole pregnancy, it doesn’t matter how active my day is, I could sit and relax all day or go for a 2-3 mile walk with my step kids either way I’m still up all night.)

FTM and I don’t think I could ever go through this again....