What's Done In The Dark

Gabrielle • 35 years old...Mother of 2

I found out my son's dad was hiding a relationship from me. We said we'd work through it and he said he cut her off. Last night him and a friend got drunk and went to McDonald's. When he got to my house his phone was going crazy. He fell asleep and I finally answered his phone (it was 2am). It was the girl saying she has been on the phone with him and been face timing. She also said "He prolly sleep because he was drunk at McDonald's a while ago. " I immediately woke him up telling him to explain this shit or get out. He kept saying she was only lying because she wants him back. His friend answered the face time call and talked to her. Then he told me I was totally fucked up because he did nothing wrong and said I made the "moving forward " option impossible.