Tmi - early labor?

Hello! I’m 36 weeks and 3 days.

TMI but early this morning at 4am, I started to get really bad cramps so I woke up and went to the bathroom (solid).

Was able to go but after going to bed, I starting having contractions ( hard belly for a few minutes and then it would soften) when my belly would soften my back would start to hurt, this probably went on for an hour or so. I went back to bed and just laid there. Finally was able to go back to sleep.

2 hours later I woke up with cramping again and went to the bathroom AGAIN. Now I’m feeling tightening again but not like last night.

1. I’m a super regular person, even while pregnant I know my bowel moment schedule and this was very odd for me.

2. Can you go into labor and then your body kinda stops it for awhile then it returns?

I’ve had Braxton Hicks and this was WAY different.

So ready but so nervous! 😂❤️ thanks ladies