I’m going swimming

So I haven’t purchased a new bathing suit since I was preparing to head out on my honey moon. 10 years and 3 babies ago. I just gave birth a month ago and nothing fits my ugly fat body. I can’t get in my jeans yet. I feel huge. And tired from a colicky baby.

I don’t have a lot of opportunities to swim. But my mom got her pool. My boys have been at her house this week swimming.

I realized we’d have some weekend opportunities to go to DiDi’s house between now and the end of summer. And do I really want to sit in sweats and hide?

So I ordered like 3 bathing suits and figured surely one would fit and maybe not make me look like a pale fat sausage who has had three csections. I can return the others if they don’t fit.

And I hope that at some point this summer I’m going to splash in the pool with my kids.

And try really hard not to care that they are the biggest sizes In The suits the store offers.