He treats me like I was ex.

I met a guy a month ago and we have pretty amazing chemistry. The only problem I’m continuously running into is his fixation on his ex.

She treated him pretty badly and did some awful things to him. Because of how badly he was treated by her, he immediately assumes the worst and thinks everyone is out to get him, including me. He can be kind of mean but I know it’s coming from all the pain in his heart that’s yet to be healed but......

How do I tell him without hurting him that how he’s treating me isn’t okay? Using his ex at every chance he gets to excuse his behavior is unfair. I don’t get how someone can be mean to someone else who has done nothing to them. Why does he use her as a reason to be mean? I don’t get it.

I’ve limited the time we spend together and how often we talk. I don’t want to get any closer to someone who can be pretty hurtful but if I can still be friends with him, I wouldn’t mind that. I

Can someone please help me understand his behavior?