Waist deep! How my car tried to turn into a submarine


Ok friends gather around and hear this! my boyfriend and I were driving on extremely rainy day down my road from my house. We get about half a mile and I see a little puddle and I am like oh we'll just drive through it. Boy was I wrong we got about two tires into the "puddle" then suddenly my hood was almost under water. So my hero a.k.a Cam the boyfriend helps me to get out and push the car backwards away from the river of death. My car stalled btw so we both were completely drenched head to toe pushing my hooptie down the road. Mind you we are both above 5'9 and it was waist deep for us!! I am happy I have this man in my life lol! Also turn around don't drown!

We look rough af so here is a good pic too!!

P.S. I have shaved my hair last year, full Brittney!