
I was so excited. The week I was supposed to get my fertility test done I found out I was pregnant. My HCG level was 616.6 and I was over the moon. My first pregnancy

!!! 5 weeks pregnant and I told EVERYONE. It was magical and amazing. I surprised my entire family and my husband. We cried tears of joy. It was so amazing and short lived. My boss said to me “be careful getting excited because it’s still early.” Within 24 hours of him saying that I started bleeding and freaking out. I went to the doctor and he said it was fine. Perfectly normal. 677.9 was my next HCG test two days after my first. Not doubling. In the middle of the night the next day I woke up cramping and bleeding a lot more and this time there were small clots. After a long night in the ER they said there is still a pregnancy and my hormones have rose to 779 but I have a Threatened Miscarriage. The doctor told me it’s like Murphy’s law when you get excited in early pregnancy. You will miscarry. I was devastated but still had hope. The next day I was told by my doctor I needed to go back to the hospital because I was in so much pain and bleeding so much. They took my blood and my levels were 587 and they told me they think I’m miscarrying. They also said to test two days later. Which I did and it’s only 533. I’ve been bleeding for about a week now. Why is my HCG going down so slowly? And what did you all do for the immense pain? They gave me Fentanyl in the hospital which helped but now I’m on extra strength Tylenol and it’s doing hardly anything. Any tips on how to manage pain? My PCP thinks I may need a D and C. What is that?Any miracle stories where this happened to you and you actually didn’t miscarry and carried to term? .




ALSO I will NEVER regret being excited about my pregnancy. Yes it was early but it was MY BABY growing in me who I loved so much.