First pregnancy loss


I'm 34. My Drs told me 16 years ago I'd probably never be able to have kids. We finally found out we were pregnant with my first child in early March. I was considered high risk because of all of my disabilities so we had ultrasounds every week to two weeks. At my 8.5 week ultrasound my Dr said he didn't think the baby looked like it had grew and set up an appointment for a radiologist ultrasound. She told me that the baby was still measuring 6 weeks and she couldn't find a heartbeat but that it could just be too early...I then was made to wait a week before a Dr would tell me my results even tho I asked to be told immediately. Dr told me the baby had stopped growing and did another ultrasound to confirm. The fetal pole and yolk sac had dissolved but they had been there during the last one. I chose to have a D&c so I wouldn't have to go through losing it at home. So at 11 weeks I lost our child without ever knowing the gender. It's been almost 7 weeks since then and I just finally got my period. My Dr doesn't want us trying until end of august but I'd already told him that wasn't happening. We dont exactly have time to be waiting. This period is one of the worst I've had...and I have pcos so they're usually pretty horrible. I thought I was moving on ok but my period seems to be stirring up crap. :( I just want to be pregnant again. It's not fair that it took me this long only to lose it. 😢 My husband is only 24. He's not handling it very well either. If you could just see him with kids... It's not fair if he never gets to be a dad.