Ready for you.

Everything you go through in life, it’s full of choices. You choose the things you do, the way you decide to live your life. When I was 15 I made the choice to go through with my pregnancy, my first son is now 9. Without the help from my mother I can honestly say we would be no where. She helped us so much, I knew I wasn’t ready but I still did it all alone financially, I left his dad when he was 2 months old, he cheated on me.. I was a fat mess, wished I didn’t put myself in the position to be a single mother at 15, but I did it. He is now a great hockey player & succeeds greatly in school.. now the next part comes in, I told myself I’ll never be able to have another kid, I wouldn’t want my first son to feel like he had to share me because honestly I didn’t feel like he had the mother he should’ve to begin with, but then I got pregnant by my current boyfriend who is 5 years younger then me so he isn’t as mature he isn’t as ready and I feared he wouldn’t be able to take care of this baby either, I didn’t know what to do.. I was scared to bring another child into this world and not be able to give them what they deserve, I planned abortion for 17 weeks, 17 weeks and I was still supposed to have an abortion, but my doctor said it was to late to do that without risk of compilations due to my first pregnancy being emergency c section, to be honest I felt relieved I felt happy that I was being told I had to go through with this pregnancy, with worrying for 9 months that I wasn’t good enough for this baby I was about to have , drained me, I didn’t gain much weight, I was always grouchy & full of worry. But the day he was born on May 30 2019, 7 pounds 2 ounces, way smaller then my 11 pound 7 ounce first boy. That was the day I became ready’ with 9 years to mature into the mother I am today, I feel like I’ve never been more ready and complete, I’m ready to be your mom everyday, I’m ready to provide for you, ready to give you all my time, ready to have sleepless nights , ready for the hardest job in the world because you deserve it my son. I promise to give you all of me and never let you go. Your big brother loves you lots, thank you for completing us my King Kyro. 💙 Thank you for showing me I am capable of being your mother, thank you lord for giving me a chance to do things right with motherhood, even though I feel some sort of guilt that I wasn’t this ready with my first one, He knows how much I love him, & he loves his grandma just as much as me. Forever greatful for the way life turned out to be. Kayle & Kyro, you are my life. ❤️

Kyro Anthony James, 💙

Kyro & his big brother. 💙
