Should I still trust him?


I have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years now. I’m 19 and he’s 20. Over the past few months we have gotten into arguments over the same thing. A friend of mine became obsessive over him and would Snapchat him everyday and constant bring him up to other friends and make comments about how she thinks he attractive. At first I let it be knowing I could trust him but then things turned into bigger issues and I talked to him about how him snap chatting her is making me uncomfortable. Fast forward a couple weeks maybe a month and I was out at lunch with my friend when my boyfriend was brought up. I hadn’t heard from him all morning so when she asked what he was up to today all I could say was that I had no idea due to him not saying anything all morning. She then responded with “that’s funny I’ve been snap chatting him all morning” WHO SAYS THAT! I’ve never been a huge fan of Snapchat but still, you can Snapchat her to keep your streak that I’ve already expressed makes me uncomfortable but you can’t say anything to me?!?!? I immediately shut it down and told my boyfriend there was no need to have any sort of communication with her. They didn’t know each other prior to our relationship. I never wanted to tell him he couldn’t talk to someone but it was getting way out of hand. I even made a point to say even if she does reach out do not even answer. A month had passed and I thought everything was taken care of but then he went to show me something a friend of his sent on Snapchat and when it returned to the main screen I saw there was a recent notification from her! He immediately said something about it and that she had just comment on something he posted and then asked where he had been. Apparently he cut the conversation short and just said he doesn’t use Snapchat much anymore but then conveniently blocked her so all of the messages disappeared. My thing is if this was the first time around with all of this I wouldn’t be so upset but the fact that this is the third or fourth time is where I want to draw the line. I want to believe him that he cut the conversation short and that he just didn’t want to be rude but at the same time it just worries me that maybe there is something else going on. Should I give him another chance?