Hook effect?!


I’m roughly 7 weeks and I woke up to find my already-mild symptoms nearly non-existent. I was feeling anxious and, being the POAS addict that I am, bought a box of tests. I took the first one normally and it freaked me out because it was fairly light 😕

I read about the hook effect but thought that 7 weeks was too early for that to happen, but I figured I’d try diluting my urine for the 2nd test just to see what happened. I did about 50% urine, 50% water (perhaps slightly more water than urine)...and BAM!

The tests look SO different to me, almost exact opposites!

Do you think this is the “hook effect” or just a faulty test? Has this happened to anyone else? I thought maybe it was too early to experience the hook effect, but maybe not?! (Top test is undiluted; bottom test is 50/50 water and urine)

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