Dream of getting shot


It has occurred to me that I have bad insomnia problems, so I can’t sleep at all at night until around 4-6 am. This morning I had a weird dream that someone I knew had got shot about 5 or 6 times while being surrounded by multiple people. They we’re rushed to the hospital, but then I woke up so I don’t know if they made it. Me and this person did have a connection before, but it wasn’t that serious (friends). We stopped talking Nd hanging out after he moved, but now he’s in my dream. I really couldn’t see his face, but I kept crying his name, and he’s the only person I know/ knew with that name. Someone in my family has similar dreams, but for her it’s the opposite. Idk if I should tell him or the ppl I’m close to..I’m nervous, scared, Nd worried