Depressed ex/boyfriend


Hi. I have been dating this guy for about two months. Part way through the relationship i found Zoloft in his room but didn’t question him. About a week after that he started getting a little distant and in a round about way he told me he was struggling with some mental health stuff. It was a little rocky but we got through it. Then out of no where on Friday he said he needed to be alone and that he couldn’t be in a relationship right now. We’ve chatted a little bit all weekend but then today things really blew up and he said he was moving away, he was a waste of space and that i need to forget about him and not worry about it. I want to help him so desperately because i am very genuinely worried about him but i don’t know how to help without him blowing up and quite honestly being rude. I care about him deeply but I’m at a loss... help please