Confused with mixed signals?


Hi. I’m new to this, and I apologize. Anyway, there’s a guy a like. For a long, long time. I put it off though because when I met him, i was young and didn’t think much of it. Back to the problem... Ironically, both of our relationships ended at around the same time. He reached out first and asked to hang out. He claimed it to be “only hanging out,” but I felt like it was a date. I didn’t say anything though. He hugged me before I left, told me I smelled good, and payed for everything. That’s the first part. Mind you, I haven’t talked to him in over two years prior to that. Earlier in June, I went to visit some of my family in another country. I asked if we could hang out again before I left. This time, we stayed at home and watched a movie. He started a pillow fight and tickled me. (I held his hand, too.) Before I left, he looked so sad, gave me ANOTHER hug and asked if I could still communicate with him while being across the Atlantic.

I’ve been back for a week and he seems to have no interest. His responses to messages have been short and to be honest, boring. I don’t want to lose him. However, I know he still talks to his ex. He told me. I tried not to let it bother me but it still does because I want him. I invited him to hangout this weekend and the response was, “idk, maybe.”

If anyone knows what any of this means, please help a girl out. This is the first time I’ve been in a situation like this and I haven’t quite figured out guys yet. Thanks!