I love him so much and idc if somebody doesn't like it❤

Just for a starter it's my bf who has autism he can still function normally but he has really severe autism it's hard for him to talk (he can still talk it's just really slow) and its hard for him to control his impulses I'm 17 and he's 18 he is going through a a train phase where he just loves trains they are all over his room and I have some of the pictures that he drew of me hanging in my room. The part thats heartbreaking to me is when he has his meltdowns/shutdowns he hurts himself when he has a really bad meltdown he hits himself in the head he bites his hands one time at school I got called down to the special education room to try and calm him down i guess that one of his classmates messed up one of his train puzzles and he wasn't having it I guess he didn't have a good day. His dad told me that the only way to calm him down is if I talk to him one time I walked into his room and he was huddled into a corner crying holding a picture of us at homecoming when he saw me he opened his arms for a hug y'all when I tell you my heart melted I hate seeing my baby hurt like that, and I've always wondered what goes through his mind when he had a meltdown or when he's just thinking in general July 29th will mark our 3rd year and I have such a special surprise for him I'm gonna take him to a train museum and guess how we're gonna get there by train! But I mainly posted it on here bc love is love no matter what disability or how they look or their body type I love my baby boy just the way he is

UPDATE: so he found the tickets I had them laying on my bed and I forgot to put them away so it's not really that much of a surprise any more but y'all you should've seen his reaction to the tickets he yelled my name and I thought that he needed something so as soon as I came into my room just to see him jumping on my bed stimming his ass off (it's a way to calm himself down) oh man when I tell you he had the biggest of smiles on his face it warmed my heart.

UPDATE: so yesterday was our 3rd year and I took him to the train museum he had a blast I was surprised that he knew so much about trains he was talking nonstop about them. One if the museum workers noticed him and I'm guessing he knew about his autism? Idk but the worker let us have a free tour with a souvenir of one of the first made trains from back then. After the museum he told me that he had something planned for me too I was actually surprised he took me to my favorite restaurant when I tell you that was one of the best days of my life I'm currently in bed with him cuddled up sleeping next to me while I'm writing this (we may or may not have done something earlier but that's besides the point) if he's happy I'm happy and if I'm happy he's happy I love him.

UPDATE: my baby is in the hospital I'm so broken right now I don't know what to do he was riding his bike with his dad and they went through a cross walk the light was red for the car but guess what she was on her phone not paying attention and boom she runs over my boyfriend. He's a really fragile boy so he has scrapes and bruises broken bones internal bleeding he's in a coma. I just love him so much I don't wanna lose my baby.