
Deana • 12.19.15 ❤️
Does anyone else have days where baby is moving like crazy and kicking hard and then have days where baby is not so active and the kicks aren't as hard? 
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Yes my boy seems to have that same pattern and I can't help but worry 😓 I'm a FTM so I don't always know what's normal. I just pull out my Doppler sometimes when he is having a quiet day. I'm 27 weeks tomorrow. 


Lacey. • Sep 29, 2015
Hey I'm a 3rd time momma and it still freaks me out! Wish I could say I'm a pro at this but I'm not. Good luck!


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My lil girl does the same thing. When I'm worried I drink some OJ to get her moving. Always makes me feel better 


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Yes he hasn't quit for two or three days now but before that he had slowed down after periods of extreme activity I think he wears himself out in there lol


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Yes I'm 27 weeks n 5 days there been days where she moves n soft kicks then she completely still I be thinking are you taking a nap in there this my 2nd baby it's a girl but  my son was very active day and night 


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Yes I've noticed it recently! Then early this morning actually, he startled me he did a barrel role out of no where and was like 'I'm here!!!!'


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Yes it's the same for me.. Glad I'm not alone! Some days I barley feel anything and my SO puts his hand on my belly or talks to him and he starts moving around like crazy. 


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Yes some days he's doing somersaults and some I shake my belly to get him to move


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All the time! I'm 27weeks And I'll think oh no what did I eat or do to hurt him but then he gives me a great kick to say hey I'm still just chilling (; it's scary but hang in there


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Yes I'm 28w and start to get worried, my husband tells me not to worry, she's probably sleeping.


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Yes and I always worry on the quiet days! But since I feel him move some on those days I just try to focus on that instead of worrying that it is less.