Birth story

I went into labor the day before my planned induction date. I was 41 weeks and 2 days, this was my first! I was home and starting getting contractions which were getting stronger and stronger and more frequent. It was getting tot he point that I wasn’tn able to stand up straight during a contraction thats when i knew this was it! I called the docotr and then went to the hopsital. I was 4 cm dilated and at that point i was given the option to walk around to progress dilation. I was so uncomfortable. the contractions were so strong my only focus and priority was the epidural for pain relief. So they called anesthia and placed the epidural. At first it was only numbing one side but with repostioning and turning on my side, itdistributed hte medication and i was then numb on both sides. I felt so much better, didnt feel contractions and was able to enjoy the experience more and rest! About an hour later, i was 10cm and completly effaced! At this time my membranes were still intact so they rbroke my water. The water was not clear, there was meconium presenrt but she looked great on the monitor. They had me rest for an hour and labor down before the pushing began. I started pushing and at this point i was able to feel the contractions soi knew when to push. The contractions felt like pressure. in between pushing i was trying to rest withnmy eyes closed! it is very tiring!! I pushed for 2.5 hours. While i was pushing i did throw up🤢. {i threw up a couple times during my third trimester because of reflux!) When she was born, she continued to poop as she came out of the birth canal! A NICU doctor was at the bedside during the birth just Incase she aspirated the meconium. Thankfully she did not aspirate. Through the pushing, crowning and birth, I did not feel any pain, just pressure. I did tear 2nd degree, did not feel that or the stitches! She was 20in long and weighed 7.2 pounds!