Doctors said ectopic and were wrong!!


I feel like everyone NEEDS to hear this story. I keep seeing posts about ectopics at 5 weeks and doctors doing a DNC or people taking methotrexate. This breaks my heart. At 5w3d the doctors told me I had an ectopic pregnancy and they couldn’t find the sac but wanted to take out my right tube bc there was some kind of sac near it. I had ZERO symptoms of an ectopic so I refused. They wanted to do surgery 2 days after telling me that (at 5w3d). All they saw on the ultrasound (Transvaginal) was what they called a pseudosac. I continued to refuse and so the day they wanted to do surgery they did another ultrasound. This time at a different facility with a more experienced ultrasound tech. As soon as she pressed that probe on my stomach there was the sac, with fetal pole... and after a closer look, a HEARTBEAT!!! We were both in tears. How could it show up so clearly on an abdominal US 2 days later but was missed on Transvaginal only 2 days before? I was pretty livid bc if I would of listened to them there would be no baby. I am now 7w3d. Please do not jump to any conclusions. Listen to your body. If you aren’t having symptoms of an ectopic and they are telling you that’s what it is ONLY bc they can’t find it, wait, get another set of eyes, ask for another scan. I had no symptoms at all. No pain, no bleeding, levels doubling every 72 hours.