First baby easy labor 🙌🏼

Ke it goes: I had my membranes swept on Monday 6/3. I was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced. I had heavy bloody discharge and terrible contractions every day after. I woke up on Wednesday, 6/5 and I had what felt like period cramps in my back and just felt off. I got up to use the restroom and my mucus plug came out. I stayed home from work and just cleaned up the house and kept moving to see if I could get consistent contractions. My husband got home around 6 and we went grocery shopping at Walmart and my contractions got so bad I had to hold him and sway during each one. They stayed 5 minutes apart for 4-5 hours. We went and ate dinner and went back home and crawled in bed. Around 12am I woke up my husband bc contractions were close and no longer bearable. We got to the hospital and I was 5 cm with bulging waters. I got my epidural at 7cm and my water broke then. Labor was a total of 5 1/2 hours and I pushed for 20 minutes. My sweet girl arrived at 37 weeks and 5 days. 7lbs 1oz 19 1/2 inches long perfectly healthy. I never knew I could love like this! The worst part for me was when they came to push on my stomach (uterus) after birth to make sure I didn’t clot. I had my epidural turned off to push and felt a lot of everything even when he cut me and that didn’t even hurt as bad. Ps. Ignore my huge swollen feet I had preeclampsia.

Abygail Huxley Green