6 weeks early!


I was originally due May 16, but baby girl Sophia came April 6! It all started on April 3 when I started not feeling well. I was swelling in my legs since the beginning of March, but my doctor kept telling me it was normal pregnancy swelling. My baby shower was on Saturday March 30 and my feet looked like you could pop them with a pin! By Wednesday I was even more swollen and felt dizzy so I called my OB and they had me come in for an appointment. When I got there my blood pressure was at 150/95 and I had high protein in my urine so they sent me straight to the hospital. I was admitted for 24 hours and had to be put on magnesium sulfate and have a catheter. My blood pressure stabilized over night and they decided to discharge me on partial bedrest and I was only allowed to work 4 hours a day. I went home with a 24 hour urine test and had to report back to the hospital on Friday April 5. I got up and went to work and began not feeling well again. I called the doctor and they suggested I go back to the hospital early. As soon as I got there my blood pressure was at 180/102! They admitted me right away and decided I would be induced that night. I once again had to be put on mag and had to have another catheter (worst things ever). They inserted cervidil and was monitored through the night. I was so uncomfortable and couldn’t sleep since I had to be monitored constantly for my BP. At 6am they took out the cervidil because it was causing so much pain in my back and hips. They decided they would give my body a break and start pitocin at 9am. By 8 am I was only at 2cm and my nurse came in the room because baby girls heart rate was low. We figured she just moved around. After a few minutes of searching I could see panic starting to set in her face and all of a sudden 4 other nurses came in and started surrounding me and put oxygen on. The OB came in and pulled an ultrasound over and her heart rate was down in the 70’s. They told me I need to go for a c-section ASAP and they flew me out of the room in 2 minutes! By 8:27am Sophia was born, 3lbs 14oz 17.5 inches! She came out crying but began to have respiratory problems and she was taken to the NICU immediately. Luckily she only had to spend 10 days and now she is thriving!

The day she was born:
