Formula alternative


My daughter is now 9 1/2 months old.

I’m trying to wean her off breastmilk because I went back to work a couple weeks ago and my milk supply completely plummeted. I don’t have enough to even satisfy her after one feeding. I’ve already determined that there’s no way to save it since it’s always been kinda low anyway. She also has teeth which hurt too.

The problem is: She is Lactose intolerant. The only formula she can eat is Alimentum which is incredibly expensive, too much to be buying as much as we need. We’re also not eligible for wic so there’s no help there either.

I’ve talked to the doctor about possibly trying almond milk but was told no until at least another 2 months.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for some kind of other alternative that’s less pricey but without any kind of cows milk in it. I’ve heard of Oatmilk but I don’t know if that’s any different than almond milk.

The doctor said she could have as much solids as she wants but she’ll only take milk/formula when she’s tired so I need to find something to feed her before naps/bedtime and throughout the night (since she still wakes up multiple times a night for some reason).

Any suggestions/advice would be really appreciated.