Possible positive hpt?

Kate • Ttc 40 months <3 happily married 3 years together 7

So I have pcos and my cycles are way over the place if I ovulated when I thought I did then my period should be starting on Wednesday if it was later then it won't be until next week. But just in case I've been taking tests since Saturday.

I took a test one of those wondfo tests. Honestly, I just leave then alone after taking them our spare bedroom has been turned into infertility central. Its mostly negative so I tend to try not to get my hopes up. Opks are there so we can see the changes ect and report them to our dr.

Well the HCG test was on the bathroom sink and it looked line there was a light line didn't think anything of it and moved it to the spare room. Well today my husband noticed an extremely light line as well.

I took another test and nothing. Is this a fluke from the Wondfo brand? Since it was so light could it still be too early? Should I only use fmp until closer to the possible AF start date? When the light line was there I would have only been 9 dpo. Sorry this is the first even second line to show up since our miscarriage 26 months ago.

Any advice?