When’s too far.


I don’t know about you guys, but my guy like jokes really harshly with me. At first I’d laugh because he told me his ex wouldn’t laugh at them because she took them seriously. But now I’m not laughing anymore. He will joke like saying “fuck I wanna kick you” and laugh and sometimes choke me or pin me down and get on top of me and yell so loud in my ear I cry because it hurts. Or like he does this silly thing where he like kisses me softly on my inner thigh and then he will aggressively bite me to the point where I’ve got indentations in my skin and it bruised me too. I’ve repeatedly told him to stop. But this was too much. He got out a kitchen knife. I’m talking butcher. Put it right on the coffee table next to where I was laying on the couch and pinned me down and was joking around saying “it’s going to be okay” he’s laughing his head off because I’m screaming on the verge on tears and he’s like “you don’t think I’ll actually do that right?” Well he gets out his camera and places it and starts recording him scaring me with this knife. And I was furious when it was over I said don’t you ever fucking do that again. He jokes really meanly. I think he’s being serious because he will say things like how I used “🙈” when I was first talking to him and how childish it was and that it seemed I was desperate and not getting dick. I’ll tell him he’s not allowed to tell me such degrading jokes and that I draw the line somewhere and he tells me he’s sorry and that he’s joking. I don’t know what to do.