fingers crossed

jade • Mommy to Demani💗08/09/2020

I know my body pretty well and can typically know when i’m ovulating because of my symptoms, I believe it was June 15, now 10ish dpo. around 5 dpo i started feeling some cramping and i was acting very irrational. I was crying like crazy. The cramps subsided after about 2 days but now my boobs are killing me and thats normal for pms with me. My temper hasnt changed, Ive punched 2 people and I want to break everything. Im not an angry person and have never actually punched someone until now. The cramping 8 or 9 days before my period is due is strange for me so idk why that happened. My temper is concerning me. I had sex every day for a week before ovulation until about 3 days after. Im scared to test because it will most likely be negative and ill just be depressed and my period will end up showing on the 29th just like it’s supposed to and another worthless month🎉🎉buttt if AF doesnt arrive by like july 3rd, then ill test sooo fingers crossed!!!!