Switching IUDs


I’ve tried many forms of birth control since I was 13. And decided to stop taking hormonal birth control because I was too sensitive to the hormones and it made me irrationally angry (along with a lot of other emotions)

I’m now 18 and have had the copper IUD for just over a year now. Everything was fine until the beginning of this year. I started getting reoccurring UTIs and now I have bladder pain along with all the symptoms of a UTI but nothing is wrong with me. All the tests have come back negative. STDs, vaginal cultures, urine cultures, my PH levels are normal. I don’t have BV or PID. So me and my OB started to think that it could be my birth control. I’m looking into switching IUDs to see if that could help but I’m not sure switch one to chose. I was thinking skyla or kylenna because they have the lowest amounts of hormones in them and I believe they are progesterone only. I read online that I could have been sensitive to the estrogen in past birth controls.

Are any of you sensitive to hormones but have had success with one of the IUDs I’ve mentioned?

Have any of you had bladder problems after getting a copper IUD?