My 2month old kicks me out of bed every morning 😐

Susie.Carmichael • 🌻nikki🌻

And thinks she's slick about it too 🤣

Every morning around 8:30, she'll start grunting and squeaking and tossing in the bassinet beside the bed like she's hungry.

So I'll pick her up and lay her buy me so she can eat (bf). She'll latch a few seconds and pretend to dose off, if I move she'll get squeaky and start using me as a pacifier basically. So I'll leave her be and go pee. Come back and she's out.

Try to get in the bed, she'll start pretend waking up, the second I get back out the bed, she's stone still. 🤣

She'll usually sleep another two hours in my spot on the bed. While I'm left wide awake and not even able to go back asleep 🤣

I feel like I haven't slept as good as this picture looks since before I had my first back in 2016 😒🤣