Short version of my home birth story

Taylor • 07.24.2013 💜 08.13.2015

Short version of my home birth story. 😅

I had no signs of labor when I went to bed at 12AM on June 21st. I woke up with contractions every 3-4 minutes around 2:30AM. I tried to get them to stop because I thought it was false labor ha. I called my mom around 4:30AM because I told her I was in possible labor but not to head out just yet, and I was gonna give my midwife a call around 5:00AM. I called my Midwife at 5:17AM and told her I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes, and they were lasting about 50 seconds long. I was on the phone with her for 4/5 minutes and I had two contractions, so she told me she would call me back within the hour. 6:00AM came and it was getting hard to get through the contractions so I called her back and she told me she was already headed that way. As soon as she got to my house she knew I was in active labor, she offered to check me but said there really wasn’t a need because she knew I was getting close by my actions so we denied the check. She set up our birth pool, and called for the other midwives to come. We had 2 midwives and two students present. Between 6:30AM and 8:00AM my labor got super intense. I had to wait for my birth tub because I was given the wrong liner and the midwife had to run back to the office to get the right one and I’m so thankful she did because I started having contractions in my hips. No position helped ease the pain, and I was literally crying through contractions because I felt like I was being ripped apart at my hips. Once my midwife got back she started filling up the pool. At this point the midwives assumed I was already 10cm dilated(didn’t tell me) but let me do my own thing because I was really having a hard time coping. They let me in the pool and it helped ease the pain on my hips a little. I was so tired at this point I started to fall asleep in between contractions. Then I started to feel like I needed to poop and I was terrified. I didn’t want to poop in the birth pool, and I didn’t want to rip when I pushed. I voiced my concerns to my midwife and she responded “The only way to make the pain go away is to bear down when you feel like you need too.” I am so thankful she said this because I needed to hear it. I knew I needed too, and I knew I wanted the pain to stop but my mind was blocking me. So when the next few contractions came I started to push. The relief I felt was amazing. I never experienced the “ring of fire” but I did feel a pop(my water) and then his head. When the next contraction came I pushed and his head popped halfway out, and my contraction ended. I kinda panicked because I couldn’t push. I mean I could have but my body told me no. So I wait for the next contraction pushed as hard as I could, and we welcomed Waylon John into the world at 10:50AM. He weighted in at 9lbs 3oz. 

Pushing was the easiest part of labor. I can say labor wasn’t easy at all, but it was totally worth it. I’m happy I got the birth I wanted.

Edit: I wanted to add we had no cervical checks at all, no coached pushing. I did everything on my own when my body told me. The only time my midwife stepped is was when she needed to check babies heart rate which absolutely sucked(all it was was a Doppler on my stomach for like 2 minutes.) and when I told her I needed help getting him out(she just placed her hand between my vaginal opening and butt). I’m so thankful I got to let my body do what it wanted, and not be hooked up to any thing during labor. 

Also remember everyone’s birth is different and everyone has or will rock their birth in their own way. No matter if you had a natural birth, scheduled induction, planned csection, unmedicated, or medicated birth. 💜