Ovulation question - input please


This month I have had 2 surges. I had a blazing positive on Saturday CD13. I thought I may have ovulated yesterday, but I had a small amount of EWCM later in the day and another blazing positive opk yesterday evening. My temp only rose to its typical preovulation high as you can see in the bbt chart. Then this morning my temp rose to its typical post ovulation temp.

1. I am not sure my temp is accurate, as I did wake up tossing and turning for about 30 mins and then fall back asleep before I took it this morning, but was only asleep for maybe for 10 mins.

2. Can you have a blazing positive opk the day you ovulate and my temps are accurate showing I did ovulate yesterday, or did I maybe not ovulate yet? My cervix is still high and soft, and my Cm hasn’t tied up, but it is more creamy.

What is y’alls take on this? I am mostly confused that if I ovulated yesterday, why did I have such a positive opk?

Keep in mind both positives has the test line show up darker than the control within seconds of testing.