In L&D at 32 Weeks


I’ve been on pelvic rest since I was 3 months due to my placenta covering my cervix. 2 days ago I was involved in a low impact 3 way car accident while on vacation. I was fine because I was the one in the front and I was hit in the rear. The next day I started having contractions and thought ok this is just some Braxton Hicks. It was our day to leave and we got on the road to return home. After 4 hrs into my trip my contractions started again and they didn’t stop for an hour and a half. My husband ended up calling 911 from the hwy and luckily a State Patrol officer escorted us to a vacant parking where EMS was able to get to me. While in the ambulance my bp dropped to 80/60 and was given an IV and oxygen. My contractions didn’t stop so I was admitted to be monitored. They decided to give me a shot of medication to strengthen her lungs and a shot of procardia to stop my contractions. This morning when when they checked me I was still contracting and they decided to keep me another day. I was given double the amount of procardia and yet my contractions are still getting stronger and my placenta is still covering my cervix. The doctor told me I would have to get a c-section because it haven’t moved like they’d hope. I was told I have to get another ultrasound this morning to check my cervix and to take a look at my placenta. I also may to get magnesium to help with her brain in case they give me a c-section since her heart is dipping with my contractions. I was hoping for a vaginal delivery like my other ones but that happening is gone. All I hope now is that my baby girl is safe and everything works out. 💖💖💖💖💖