Introducing bottles?!

Our daughter is 9 weeks old and we're trying to introduce bottles. She absolutely has to take one because I'll be going back to work in 2 weeks! She's refusing with all her might so far! Any suggestions? I've read every Pinterest article & mommy blog there is, willing to try almost anything! Trying not to get frustrated....
How could I refuse this face?!
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Leave the house- they know! You won't always have to leave but to get established with dad or caregiver feeding a bottle you may have too.also- sometimes they will wait you out and that's ok too. Mine usually will not go more than three hours but if I'm gone five hours he waits me out and stays content while I'm gone. They will eat eventually.


Hannah • Sep 29, 2015
This is all true and accurate!!


Posted at
Just had this issue this weekend. Left my 12 week old at my moms to go to a wedding and left her with 3 different bottles to try. The Tommee Tippee was the only one he would take after a couple of tries. My mom said that she offered it to him before he got too fussy and she put him in the bouncy seat as well. This was the only way he would even look at the bottle. We've tried a couple of times at home with my husband giving it to him with no luck. So I would recommend someone other than you giving it to LO and maybe have them not be held. Good luck! 


Posted at
Maybe have someone else do it?  She's only interested in one food source if she's with you 😉.  Someone else might have better luck. 


Betsy • Sep 29, 2015
I also read somewhere to have dad wear something you would wear so he kind of smells like you?? Like a bathrobe or something. Any of the suggestions the ladies have can't hurt! 😊😊


Dana • Sep 29, 2015
Daddy's been trying, but I think I'll have to leave the house, not just the room.


Posted at
Have u tried different bottles/nipples?


Dana • Sep 29, 2015
We've tried 3 different bottles, one which has a different nipple shape. She's just set on not taking any of them! If she gets a drop in her mouth she spit-bubbles it out! I'm using freshly pumped milk too!