Opinions please (ovulation - includes CM photo)

Brianna • 👼🏻💙🤰🏼(💙) ▪️ One tube ▪️ 26

Usually I get a positive OPK on CD16/17, first month I used them I had two days worth of positive OPKs. Do you think I’ve missed it or is it yet to come? I’m wondering if I would’ve gotten a positive on CD 15 and ovulated CD 16, but like I said, first time I tested I got 2 days worth of positives, but I also had EWCM 2 days ago (CD 18), yesterday (CD 19) and today (CD 20), but it was more snot/jelly like (see photo) which usually I get a positive on the second day of EWCM, I really don’t think I’ve missed it but this is really odd, we BDed CD 14 so I should still be in with a chance if I ovulated early anyway

I’m confused because this’ll either be a short cycle or a long cycle lol, I’m really thinking I ovulated on CD 15, maybe even 14 or 16, but really thinking 15

What’s everyone think? Did I miss ovulation?