3rd trimester ultrasound?? Questions?

Michaela • 💋 2014 💍2017 💒 2018 👶2019 👶2021 👶2023

I'm 30 weeks right now, and just had an appointment yesterday. I got the TDAP shot. Then my doctor used the Doppler and as she was putting the gel on, she said that at my appointment in 2 weeks she wanted an ultrasound to check the baby's size. She gave no indication whether he was larger or smaller than expected.

This is my first baby so I have no idea either. I can feel him all the time though and don't know if that's just what it's like at 30 weeks. Maybe he's on the small side and has a whole bunch of room to move, and so I feel him all the time. Or, maybe he's on the larger side and doesn't have much space, so that's why I feel him all the time.

If he is on the larger size of things, is there a possibility they may have to induce me early? I was hoping to avoid induction entirely and to have as natural a birth as possible.