Kinda a long post sorry, I need help please


I want to begin with saying that I’ve been on birth control since I was 12/13 years old due to my period being incredibly painful and heavy. I started with the pill, it helped. I then became sexually active and wasn’t keeping track of the right time and if I even took the pill. I then got the depo shot and gained a lot of weight and had constant headaches, I stopped doing that. Then I used the patch, I didn’t mind it for the most part but then it became annoying in all of the areas that you’re supposed to put it on and my skin became very sensitive and a constant rash. I then switched back to the pill, I’ve been off of all forms of birth control for a few months now (other than condoms). I now have my insurance fixed and found all of the information I needed. It is time for me to get back on birth control, I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions, stories, or advice about an IUD? I am 20 years old my husband and I don’t want to have kids for about 3-5 years if we can help it due to him being Active duty military and I’m a college student. Thank you in advance ladies, any help is appreciated