Totally forgot to post my birth story

Alannah • Wife and mother of 2 boys 10/02/13 and 03/09/19 and 1 princess 05/17/21

So mom brain has gotten to me and I totally spaced on posting my birth story. My son is almost 4 months old now.

So due to having gestational diabetes my maternal fetal medicine dr suggested I get induced between 38-39 weeks. So i convinced my midwife to schedule the induction at exactly 38 weeks. I was so excited. I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 6am on March 8th. But that's when all hell broke loose. I received a call from the hospital at 4am on March 8th telling me they didn't have space and they would have to push back my induction. They informed they would call back at 9am with an update.. well 9am came and no call so I called them, still no space..

so i figured at this point they would only accept me if I went into labor naturally so my husband and I went bowling..I called them again at noon to find out and we officially had a new time for me to be there. They said arrive at 3pm. So you bet your ass I was there at 3pm.

Once admitted they allowed me a final meal before they started the oxytocin.

The induction officially started around 6pm. I was lucky to have my sister and brother in law there. My sister was my second coach. Around 9pm my dad and step mom arrived with my older son. Everyone spent the night in the waiting room. Due to flu season and a measles out break I could only have 2 people in my room besides my husband.

As the contractions became more intense I totally lost track of time. At some point in the middle of the night I felt a trickle of pee so I went to the bathroom came back out and informed my nurse that I thought my water broke because it wasn't stopping. Sure enough my water had broken.

And my contractions only intensified from there. I then became nauseous I was in so much pain I finally asked for my epidural at I believe somewhere around 5:30am on March 9th, they checked my cervix I was at 5cm so they said I should start with fentanyl they ended up giving me 2 doses within I believe about 30mins maybe an hour didn't do anything. Finally they agreed to give me my epidural they kicked out my mom and sister placed the epidural then checked me again I was at 10cm and ready to push..

I was so hot and sweaty my husband called my sister to get her and my mom back in the room because it was time to push. My epidural hadn't completely kicked in. I felt all the contractions in my abdomen full force but on the bright side I didn't feel anything lower than my hips. In 3 pushes my son had made his appearance.

Adam arrived March 9th 2019 at 9:17am he was 7lbs 6oz and 21.5ins long. And was a much easier birth and recovery than his older brother.