‼️TW: death of an unborn baby// Miscarriage 🚨

7:85pm • American girls and American guys, We'll always stand up and salute, We'll always recognize .♥️🤍💙

Okay so I’m huge on the Handmaids tale, it’s one of my favorite shows right now. And I’m in a fan page that posts about the show as far as spoilers & all. They also post things about women’s rights and the way that women are treated.

Now before I proceed I want to say that this is NOT about the banned topic so please do not make it about that! But I was scrolling through my feed and I stumbled across a post where a 20 week pregnant woman got into an altercation with another woman which led to her getting shot in the stomach and losing her baby.... 😔 . Long story short, the mother started the altercation, and was charged with the death of her unborn baby instead of the woman who actually shot her. And since I’m bored at work and have nothing else to do, I read the comments and I can’t believe what I stumbled across...

Well first, here’s the story:

And now, for the comments:

Now, I don’t know if it’s because I’m pregnant myself but seeing that comment really pulled a few strings of mine. Yes the mother should NOT have been fighting but did she really deserve for her unborn baby to miscarry? Yes she put her baby in a horrible situation to begin with but on top of losing her baby I really don’t think she deserved it 🤷🏽‍♀️.

She was wrong in every way to be fighting while pregnant to begin with (big, BIG no-no) . She put herself (and the baby) in an unsafe position and I believe that she deserves punishment for it but to blame everything entirely on her? She put her baby in danger but to deserve to be put away while grieving the loss of her baby is harsh to me. I feel like yes, she should have had consequences had the baby survived. And heavily monitored after giving birth but it’s just a little insensitive to say in my opinion. She didn’t ask for that woman to shoot her and let alone IN HER STOMACH. The woman knew she was pregnant. It was intentional and I’m pissed that the other woman wasn’t charged for it also at least.

I don’t know what to think, y’all. Yes she started the altercation but really?? Did this other woman really have to pull a gun on her and pull the trigger?? Was she THAT much of a threat? Am I looking at it through a broken windshield view or something? I’m still shocked and there’s so much going through my head right now, so I am actually lost for words. I apologize for my ignorance. I don’t know what to think right now. I didn’t respond to this person because I was so disgusted with what she said (the first comment). What are y’all thoughts on this? I’m willing to look at it from all aspects, but I’m still sad over the whole situation. It’s all so messed up. I’d also like to add that I feel like something is missing here. I just have a feeling that there’s more to it.