Inconsistent Period on Birth Control

Heads up for lengthy explanation.

Started taking birth control over a year ago, specifically Blisovi-Fe 1/20, to decrease my heavy periods and to try and make it more consistent. I knew it would take a while for my body to adjust so I decided when I started that I would give it a year and see how things go.

Over a year later and I have noticed a pattern that I’m not very happy about. Every other month my period started when I started and the periods were less heavy. Great! That’s awesome! Just what I wanted.

On the other months though... not a fan. My period starts in the middle of when I am taking my active pills and is very heavy with cramping that is worse than when I was not on any birth control. What is worse is that it lasts for two weeks (so 14 days) but sometimes it sticks around for another couple of days. Sometimes it is only another day or two... sometimes it is another week. In the beginning when this happened I thought it was my body getting used to taking birth control. Now though I joke to myself that it my body getting revenge though it honestly sucks.

It isn’t an issue with taking the birth control pills inconsistently. I have not missed taking my birth control even once and I take it at the exact same time every day. I have been delayed when taking it a few times but only by a few minutes and I still manage to take my pill within the first 10 minutes of my reminder going off. Consistency is mostly due to already following a routine with taking other medication as well as iron supplements.

Is my experience normal with this birth control? Also, are there other birth control options (preferably other pills) that I should discuss with my doctor to regulate my period?