Any nurse’s or doctors here????? HELP!

My sister found out she is finally pregnant 3 weeks ago, she had an ultra sound and this is the report... does this seem like bad new to you..

BEGIN - ORIGINAL REPORT ------------------------------------------



LNMP 08/05/2019, EDD 12/02/2020 = 6 weeks and 2 days

No definite intrauterine pregnancy confirmed at this stage.

Possible intrauterine gestational sac with mean diameter 5.6mm, however

foetal pole is detected.

This equates to 5 weeks and 0 days EDD 21/02/2020.

Yolk sac was not seen.

No perisac haematoma present.

The right ovary is normal and contains a 2.2cm cyst, most likely of corpus

luteal origin.

The left ovary was not identified.

There is no free fluid in the pouch of Douglas.

Follow up scan is recommended to confirm viability in 2-3 weeks.

END - REPORT -----------------------------------------------------