

I need to vent..

My daughter came home 3 days ago and she's on a heart monitor to monitor if her heart rate drops, goes too high or if she stops breathing.

She was due July 3rd and only 5lbs1oz, born at 37w2d and 4lbs15oz.

When I dont hook her up to the monitor, I hold her (if I dont have her on, shes supposed to be held or in the bath tub).

The alarm is very loud so i try to stay away from it as much as possible (meaning, i usually avoid having to use it, however i do use it at night while she's sleeping, or if I'm cleaning etc..)

As we all know, newborns eat every 2 to 3 hours and require much more attention than an older baby.

I have twin boys who will be 1 in 14 days, I often hang out with them 3 times a day, sometimes more and kiss and play with them (Theyre in the same house that i live in, but their uncle baby sits them)

However my baby daddy who hardly even spends time with any if his kids bitches about me not giving the twins enough time (he's always downstairs, hanging with his friends or his dad, playing music loudly, smoking or drinking.. Then he'll come back up 8 hours or so later and fall asleep)🙄

I would spend more time with the twins if I could trust that people wouldn't kiss my baby, knew how to work the monitor, knew how to change her diaper wearing a preemie size, knew how to handle breast milk and how to prepare a BM bottle, and knew how to hold her right.. But the only person that does is ME!

No matter how much I demonstrate to others they still won't get it down or bother..

So now im assuming that my baby daddy is trying to guilt trip me because once he gets back upstairs everyone hands him the twins since hes never around (when I was pregnant I did everything myself, me and his brother..)

And he doesnt understand that o cant just put her down in her crib, i have to hook the wires on her and activate the monitor..


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