Never trust just one doctor!


So I had my reversal in 2017 I was told the surgery went great both tubes was good and open!! So tried a year and nothing go back to the doctor jan 2018 had another minor surgery done he then tells me my left tube has a lot of scar tissue and it’s not open but your right is still good and open and you have 50/50 to get pregnant! So yesterday I had my first

<a href="">IVF</a>

appointment cause it’s been almost 3 years and ain’t pregnant and come to find out my old doctor should have never done my reversal at all because he he tied them he burnt them in 3 places that I didn’t even know of! So my new doctor tells me there is no possible way 5% to ever get pregnant on my own without <a href="">IVF</a>. So this doctor has lied to me for years!! I’m just so pissed off! “ also didn’t sent all my pics and file” to my new doctor cause he knows he’s in the wrong.