
Hey ladies,

Firstly, i am not here for a medical opinion and in no way am substituting a doctor for this app. I do plan on seeing my doctor very soon about this... im just curious to see if anyone has had a similar experience and what came from it. anyway, when i was in grade 5 i fell from a 30ft slide, landed on my back and fractured some vertebrae in my spine. Since then it has healed. I am now 25. I would say since that happened i had on and off bursts of back pain. Ive always brushed it off as pain from when i was injured or pain from having a large chest. I thought it was normal to be in pain. I am 25 years old and i cant even sleep in a tent anymore, i cant exercise as much as i want to, and i work in childcare and im starting to notice im in so much pain and so stiff that i cant really run around with the kiddos anymore. When i wake up in the morning my hands and feet are numb and i have to shake them awake. I get almost pin prick and fuzzy sensations in my hands and feet for no reason through out the day. I also notice ive been struggling to formulate sentences out loud. Usually i end up pausing trying to remember what i was saying or to think of a word. Ive been really depressed lately and anxious as well. I have lost my sex drive (my poor fiancé is struggling because of this and i feel terrible) ive been super dizzy and was off work for 3 months prior due to how bad the dizziness got. Im so tired. Like all the time. The simplest task makes me tired. And the simplest tasks hurt. Working makes my whole body ache, sitting for a long period of time makes my whole body ache (muscles and joints) and even laying for a while... including sleeping makes me hurt. Ive tried massages, chiropractors, physio and nothing helps the pain. Its constant and every single day. Its effecting my quality of life. Every time ive been massaged i get the same comments "your muscles feel like steel rods" Ive been diagnosed with chronic pain in the past for something completely unrelated and was put on naproxen but it never really helped and nothing ever came out of it. I feel like my family thinks im a hypochondriac but ive just been dealing with this for as long as i can remember. Its really frustrating to be walking around in pain all day every day. I try not to talk about it because i dont want to seem like im complaining or anything but its getting worse and worse with age. Has anyone else dealt with this before?