Is it possible?


I have a 2 year old son and a 7 week old daughter and she doesn’t get to sleep much during the day due to my son. She loves sleeping next to me and will sleep all night without waking. During the day though she cries a lot, seems irritable, may sleep in 20 minute increments before my son yells or runs by her and wakes her up. I tried keeping her downstairs with us so she can get accustomed to noise but it seems like it doesn’t help. It’s only making her miserable and me as well.

I think that she is over tired because last night by 7 pm she had a full on freak out. It was like she needed to go to bed that second but I had a few things to do. One being putting my 2 year old to bed.

So she cried and cried and when I got her ready for bed she fell asleep instantly and slept the entire night. I feel horrible. I feel like she may need better sleep during the day but isn’t getting it. The problem is if I put her upstairs with her normal sleep environment, she won’t sleep long. I’m thinking it’s because I’m not there. I’ve tried the t shirt trick or the nursing bra trick and it doesn’t work. It’s like I can’t outsmart her. So what am I to do here? I’m thinking her crankiness is due to my son waking her all day.