Game changer!

Claire • Married 💍 Mommy to 🌈 👧🏼 Madeline Jane 5.25.19 | Baby boy 💙 coming August 2021!! | 👼🏼 Ectopic pregnancy survivor

This thing got me a 5.5 hour stretch of sleep last night and then another 2 hours after feeding which she never does because she's usually up each hour or even every 30 minutes after feeding! I live in Arizona and the full length zip up and velcro swaddles made her overheat even just being only in a diaper. She also has colic and this swaddle calms her down and helps her sleep so comfortably and she stays nice and cool. She cried for 2 hours last night and I decided to put her in this and put her on my shoulder and she was calm and asleep within minutes. Any other mamas who are struggling with the same issues, get this!