Toddler scared of potty.

My girl is 2.5yo and decided today she didnt want to wear diapers. She ripped her diaper off and brought me underwear. She stayed dry an hour before she ran to me saying "wet! Eww" and ran to grab a new pair of undies. Im so proud but she also hates the potty 😫 she wants to wear underwear but refuses to go on the potty. Is there anything I can do to help her?

I don't usually go by "signs" (I didnt with my boy who was asking by day 5 to help him potty a month after he turned 2) and to be honest, I was going to wait until our life got back in order from the move before training her but it looks like it may be sooner. She seems to show every sign only she is scared of the potty. She leaves the room to go #2, pulls at her diaper, brings me a diaper when she wets herself as she says "eww" stays dry for long periods of time, even dances before she goes.

Side note.. I've never pressured her, I have let her take the lead but always encouraged her. Pretty much if she is ok with wearing undies I'm ok with what comes with it.. accidents and all. I'd rather clean accidents in hope's she will get it someday than to keep her in diapers if she don't feel comfy in them.