It sucks

Sitting in the GYNO office waiting area, waiting and hoping they call me next. Head buried in my phone to block out the near conversations going on all around me. Women across from me is here for her first U/S. Her boyfriend wants to pick out the name for this one since she got to pick last time.. how exciting ?! Moms sitting next to her looking over her shoulder at the U/S pic begging her to let her call some family members. Women next to me is here with her husband- looks like it’s one of her last appointments before the “final pop”. The other women coming in and out of the office with excitement, happiness and joy. Why can’t this be me? When will it be my turn? Why can’t I be genuine and joyful for all of my fellow ladies on the same journey? It’s just not fair. I look over these post all the time, now it’s me, I’m posting. I’m losing myself in a fantasy I can’t stop dreaming and longing for. You guys this is one of the toughest roller coasters to ride on. I guess this proves that everybody fights there own battles daily. And you don’t know what the person next to you, sitting in that waiting room chair is going through eiether. Prayers for positive vibes and positive lines ladies!😔♥️