Bit worried or over reacting

So I have been with my bf for 5 months almost 6. We have always said we love each other and recently we have started becoming sexually curious. We haven’t and aren’t planning to have sex yet. But we do hand stuff.

However, recently he has been saying he wants to stop doing that stuff so much or all together for a while. He won’t give a straight answer but his answers usually revolve around “I don’t want our relationship to become only about sexual stuff”.

I decided to talk to him today about it and he said that he wants us to only do sexual stuff twice a month and we each can only cum once then we are done for the day.

This kinda offends me cause it took me almost a month to even get comfortable with him touching me down there. Plus he always wanted me to start doing this stuff with him and says how “he won’t be able to wait till we are adults to do stuff”.

I’m worried that this is a sign of him wanting to break up.

Should I be worried? Or am I just over reacting?