Calling All Working or in School mamas !!

So my boyfriend and I want a baby. We are both young and wanted to initially wait until we were married and at a better place in our careers and I wanted to finish school, but honestly it’s something we both have talked about so much and want. I’m 25, we’ve been together for 6 years and I know we are each other’s person. we live a comfortable life- both have good jobs and rent a nice two bedroom home in a good neighborhood and I won’t be done with school until I’m like 30! Lol so any advice from people who work and have kids or did school while pregnant/had kids what am I in for!? We have talked about waiting but its been 6 months of just really wanting to go for it. I have an IUD so it’s not super easy to just start trying it has to be an active decision and I keep just wishing I didn’t have it in so that I could get pregnant! And whenever I have a checkup at the gyno he’s like “yay are you getting your IUD taken out??” our families would be ecstatic and I believe we are as ready as we could ever be so why wait until you are in the “perfect” place financially or in your career ya know? Cuz who is every really “ready” for kids. Advice??