Are you close to your siblings?

I have always been very close to my younger siblings I have 2 younger brother and a younger sister. I no longer live at my parents house but my siblings still do youngest brother just turned 18. When I come to visit we are all still very close and usually stay up all night talking laughing listening to music playing cards.

My husband has 2 sisters and they are absolutely the most heartless rudest women I have ever met (they act just like my MIL).. He is not at all close to them, or his mom. I surprises me to see a family like theirs because there is no love or care for each other, just selfishness and only caring about themselves (My husband is nothing like his family and it’s hard to believe he is related to them). I definitely want and hope my children stay close to each other and don’t turn out like my husbands family.

Are you close to your siblings? If not we’re you ever close and just grew distant? Or is there a specific reason or way you were raised that made you not close.